Quest to find the borough’s best junior sports stars begins

Junior Sports Awards
Launching the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Junior Sports Awards are the Lord Mayor Councillor Paul Greenfield, Stephen Marshall from Manfreight Limited, Chair of Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Sports Forum Cathal O’Neill and sports journalist Denise Watson.

Nominations are now open to recognise the wealth of young sporting talent in Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough following the recent launch of the Junior Sports Awards 2022.

Organised by Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Sports Forum in partnership with ABC Council and sponsored by Manfreight Limited, these awards will shine a light on the sporting achievements of individuals and teams aged 18 and under who have excelled in their chosen sport.

Due to be held in the Armagh City Hotel on Friday 14 October, these awards were recently launched at South Lake Leisure Centre by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Paul Greenfield and Stephen Marshall from Manfreight Limited, along with the Chair of Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Sports Forum Cathal O’Neill and sports journalist and event compere Denise Watson.

Speaking at the launch, the Lord Mayor said: “I’m really looking forward to this year’s awards event as it brings our young sportspeople together to acknowledge their hard work, sacrifice and dedication. I really admire our young people for showing great resilience over the past few years and continuing to pursue their goals of achieving excellence in sport.

These awards will shine a light on their achievements and also recognise coaches and volunteers, who work tirelessly behind the scenes, as they support them to reach their full potential.” 

“I am also proud to welcome Manfreight Limited onboard as our new headline sponsor. The council has a good working relationship with this local company and we are delighted to partner with them in organising these awards.”

Manfreight Limited Managing Director Chris Slowey added, “At Manfreight we recognise that sport changes lives regardless of background, social standing or even your chosen sport. Opportunity in sport is realised through individual talent or the ability to operate successfully as a team. At Manfreight we celebrate this opportunity and the skills that sports participation can offer people throughout life.”

Schools, sports clubs, individuals and members of the public are encouraged to submit nominations before 5pm on Friday 8 July to a broad range of categories: Sports Person with a Disability; Junior Male; Junior Female; Junior School Team; Junior Club Team; Youth Male; Youth Female; Youth School Team; Youth Club Team; School Coach; Club Coach and Young Volunteer.

To be eligible, nominees must have competed at county/regional level or above and have achieved a high level of success in competitions between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2022.

Nominations, which must be submitted online, can along with the guidance notes be found at

For further information contact Sarah Aiken, Assistant Sports Development Officer on 07733596612 or email