ABC Seniors Newsletter: Spring Edition Out Now!

Front cover of ABC Seniors Newsletter

Spring has sprung and so has the latest edition of the ABC Seniors Newsletter – now making its way to older residents across the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough area.

In this bumper spring edition, readers can learn more about newly launched health and wellbeing initiatives such as Park Power, which promotes strength and balance exercises using benches at Lurgan Park and the First Connect Service that offers practical and emotional support at difficult times in an individual’s life.

The newsletter also provides an insight into the development of an Age Friendly Strategy for the local area, plus a handy question and answer guide to help support older residents required to switch from their Post Office card account to an alternative bank account ahead of the changeover this November.

What’s more, it also features a range of useful helpline numbers, quizzes, riddles, recipes and more – making it the perfect addition to a nice cuppa.

Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Kevin Savage said:

“As more than half of over 65s in the borough have never accessed the internet, we understand how important it is for our older residents to receive timely and relevant information on topical issues that matter to them – and in a format that suits them!

“The free newsletter is packed full of useful and interesting articles, ranging from physical health and mental health topics to helpful guides and light entertainment – so make sure you get your hands on your free copy today!”

Led by ABC Seniors Network and supported by Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, the free ABC Seniors Newsletter aims to provide clear information on issues that matter the most to our older residents.

The ABC Seniors Newsletter is funded by the Public Health Agency.

More information

For more information on the ABC Seniors Newsletter or to receive your free copy please call Stephanie Rock on 07825 010 630.

Download an e-copy here.