20th Park Watch Scheme in the borough launched at Dromore Park

Park watch image
Pictured at the launch of the Park Watch scheme at Dromore Park is Annette Blaney, PCSP Project Coordinator, Sergeant Nicholas Woods and Chair of PCSP, Councillor Jill Macauley.

A scheme aimed at protecting parks from vandalism and anti-social behaviour has just been launched in Dromore Park – and local residents and park users are delighted to be part of the 20th scheme in the borough!

Park Watch is similar to Neighbourhood Watch schemes and sees Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Policing and Community Safety Partnership and the PSNI working together with park users and local residents to take ownership of the park, and to help ensure it is a safe place for everyone to use.

“It is vitally important that everyone looks after the park,” commented the Chair of the Policing and Community Safety Partnership, Councillor Jill Macauley.

“We want to encourage local residents and park users to ‘own’ their park, take pride in it, look after it and protect it from vandalism and anti-social behaviour. By doing so they will not only be improving the safety and security of the park, but also the surrounding area.”

Sergeant Nicholas Woods from the Neighbourhood Policing Team, added, “Dromore Park is a fabulous place for all the family to visit and enjoy and we are committed to working with the PCSP and the local community to make this a safe space for everyone. We want to encourage park users and local residents to help us protect the park from vandalism and antisocial behaviour by reporting any criminal or suspicious activity at the earliest opportunity.”

For further information on Park Watch, please contact Annette Blaney, PCSP Project Coordinator on 0300 0300 900.